
Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast dans les Hautes-Alpes

    Guest house
    Practical and friendly, here is what summarizes the formula of guest houses. Whom you are only or in family, come to spend one or several nights at the inhabitant. It is as a friend that you will be welcomed by the host and the hostess who can make you discover the local specialities during the meals which will be proposed to you.
11 dans les Hautes-Alpes.
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picture of CHALET VISO
  • Half board of 50 to 59 €

Bed and Breakfast in Arvieux


L et F Lahaye-Goffart La Chalp 05350 Arvieux (Hautes-Alpes)
Phone : 04 92 46 85 77
picture of Les Baladins
  • High season of 34.5€ to 44.2€
  • Restaurant menu 16 €
  • **Tourisme-Petit déjeuné**

Bed and Breakfast in Ceillac

Les Baladins

Fournier Les Baladins 05600 Ceillac (Hautes-Alpes)
Phone : 04 92 45 00 23  - Fax : 04 92 45 22 31
Ceillac 1640 m. Station village été-hiver, dans le parc régional du Queyras
Notre gîte-auberge se situe au croisement des sentiers de Grandes randonnées GR58, GR5, Tour de la Font Sancte. Nous ...
picture of Gîte l'AIGLIERE
  • Low season of 310€ to 360€
  • Average season of 340€ to 390€
  • High season of 410€ to 470€

Bed and Breakfast in Veynes


Hermine BONNEUIL Hameau de Glaise 05400 Veynes (Hautes-Alpes)
Phone : 04 92 58 00 09
It’s in the South of Alps, between Dévoluy, singular massive calcareous, kingdom of the pastorale tradition, traversed by 240 kilometers of paths, and Bôchaine, green door of Dauphiné, that slips ...
Register your touristic spot dans les Hautes-Alpes it's free (in French)